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Clean Your Clothes What You Have in Your Kitchen

So you have some soiled clothing that needs everyday cleaning.

Well you came to a great article. These are some of my tips I use to clean from light stains to stinky clothes.

Tip 1

Baking soda is your best friend for everyday smell. I have used a 1/2 cup of baking soda (large loads) in your washer machine, which works great for smells. As you use it more often, you will have a neutral smell. I have been using it for 5 years & and work great( I don’t use any scent booster at all).

Tip 2

More is not always better. When you use your detergent, use 2 tablespoons of regular load. Large to extra large, you can use 1 more tablespoon. This saves your washer for a long time.

Tip 3

Got some dryer sheet you use for your towels. Stop using them! This sheet use wax to coat throughout your dryer & clothes. It’s harder to even get rid of that thin wax off your clothes. Alternatively, use wool ball & add 1 drop essentials oil. (I have not added essential oil on my dryer ball)

Pro Tip: Recharge you wool balls with vinegar. Wash as usual in your washer machine with rinse cycle vinegar.

Tip 4

Got stains! Make your own stain removal with a bit of dishwashing liquid, water & baking soda. I have made this & works great on just stains less than 1 day. For tougher stains, add this mixture & let it sit for at least 24 hours. Longer the better.

  • 1/4 part dishwasher liquid
  • 1/4 part water
  • 2/4 part baking soda

Mix both liquids first. Then add the baking soda till it becomes paste. That is it.

Use it like a stain removal

Tip 5

Vinegar is a great fabric softener. Add 2 tablespoon on fabric softer dispenser. If your washing machine does not have one, just added when rinse cycle stars. Softer clothing for your clothing.